The Field of Orthotics and Prosthetics
The field of orthotics focuses on designing externally applied devices to treat various musculoskeletal and neurological conditions. Orthoses are made of specialized materials and are fabricated according to the exact needs of a patient. This type of medical treatment is beneficial to many patients and is a popular choice for rehabilitation. Click on bionics companies Philadelphia to learn more in this field.
The career opportunities for those in orthotics and prosthetics are diverse. They include working as a practitioner, assistant, technician, or fitter. The job requires advanced education and hands-on clinical training to become a successful practitioner. Once trained, aspiring practitioners may work in rehabilitation facilities, private practices, and pediatric clinics.
Students who wish to pursue this field can get a master's degree in orthotics and prosthetics at Loma Linda University. The program requires a master's degree in allied health professions and prepares graduates for the American Board of Certification in Orthotics and Prosthetics (ABC) certification exam.
Patients who suffer from foot or leg problems often require orthotics. Orthotics are designed to correct the alignment of a patient's feet. Often, foot orthotics come in the form of insoles and braces. Similarly, prosthetics are artificial substitutes for missing parts of the body. The most common prosthetics include bionic leg.
Orthotics and prosthetics are both vital in helping patients regain their mobility and independence. They help restore a person's mobility and function by using braces and artificial body parts. Orthotists may specialize in one area of the field or the other. A person with a physical disability should seek medical advice from a certified orthotist before getting a prosthetic device.
Orthotics and prosthetics clinics provide personalized care for patients. The clinic works with a team of interdisciplinary health professionals to evaluate the patient's needs and make recommendations that will provide optimal results. They also provide support for patients and work with them to maximize their quality of life and achieve independence.
An orthotics and prosthetics program typically offers entry-level Master's degree programs. These programs combine classroom learning, research, applied device design, and clinical learning. The program prepares students for expanded responsibilities in the field. Students entering this program must possess a strong academic background, be able to think critically and independently, and exhibit empathy.
Some orthotic and prosthetic devices can be quite complicated. More advanced devices are designed to provide the user with a high level of limb functionality and help them perform activities they may not have been able to do before. In addition, many prosthetic devices are custom-made according to the patient's measurements. This process is known as casting and it may involve either a manual or mechanical process. Recent technological advances have made the process more accurate and precise. For a general overview of this topic, click here: